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What I've Learnt From The Past Year


Hello, I decided to take a little break from blogging over Christmas and New Years and enjoy the time with my family and although I missed writing posts, I'm really glad I took a step back! I thought it was only right to start off the new year by reflecting on the previous one and sharing what 2016 taught me.
2016 was a big year for me in many ways, with lots of changes from relationships to jobs, this little blog of mine kept growing and growing, and I really think I'm ending the year a lot wiser and more experienced than I began it. Today I've decided to narrow it down and pick out a few key things I learnt in 2016, so here they are:

It's All About Grit:
I've always been a strong believer that hard work and perseverance will get you wherever you want to go and this past year just reaffirmed that to me. The phrase 'Good things come to those who wait' has never sat well with me, I believe good things come to those who work really hard for whatever they want. A few months ago I read Grit: The Power Of Passion and Perseverance (a must read) and it really inspired me to stop thinking about what I'm naturally talented at (which to be honest isn't a lot) and focus more on working hard to achieve what I want. 

Life Has A Way Of Always Working Out:
In 2016 a lot of things 'clicked' into place and life started to make a lot more sense to me. I got into a relationship with Dara, who has been my closest friend since I was 13, and if you follow me on Instagram you'll probably have seen him a few times. I also completed an internship as a Software Developer in an amazing company which really helped me to realise what it is I want to do when I finish college. I spend a lot of time worrying about the future and what it'll look like but this past year has taught me that if I just keep moving forward, things will click into place like they're meant to.

Just Do You:
2016 was definitely the year I 'found' myself, and began being a little more selfish and listening to myself more. I think it can be very easy to want to please everyone else so much that you might put your own needs and wants to the side, so this past year I made an effort to do more of what I wanted, and be more honest with people about what it was that I wanted too. I'm now ending the year feeling more myself than I've ever felt and it's a really really good feeling indeed.

Some posts I wrote on self-love can be found here & here.

Moments Are More Important:
This point is something I only really learnt towards the end of the year, but it's definitely the most important one. My family and my boyfriend always joke about how I have everything a girl could ever want, and they're not far off, I do have a lot of stuff, from clothes to make-up, but all of the things I have don't contribute to my happiness at all. Being a self-confessed shopping addict, I obviously love to buy stuff, and the rush I get when I go shopping does make me happy, but it's very short lived. This year I realised that moments with the people I love are far more valuable than anything I can buy in a shop, so the last part of my 2016 was spent spending lots of time laughing with my loved ones, and I finished the year on an amazing high note!

What did you learn from the past year? I'd love to hear what 2016 helped you realise, so be sure to leave a comment, and as always, thanks so much for reading!


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