Hello, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas! If you're a shopaholic like I am, then the excitement for the sales after Christmas almost matches the excitement for Christmas itself! Today I want to share you with a few tips I have for finding the best bargains and some of my top picks for this years sales!
Be Patient.
In the lead up to Christmas it's easy to cave and buy those shoes you've been eyeing up for weeks but I guarantee you they'll be on sale the day after Christmas, if not before! What I do in the few weeks before Christmas is either make a mental or physical note of what I have my eye on, or if it's available online, I'll bookmark it. Then when the sales begin all I have to do is check the price and 9 times out of 10, it'll be on sale!
Divide & Conquer.
This tip is mainly for online sale shopping but could also work for real life shopping too. When shopping the sales, it can be hard to trawl for pages and pages (or racks and racks) of clothes to find the real bargains, so what I do is open a tab for each category, Dresses, Shoes etc. I then sort by my size, so things that aren't in stock in my size don't show up, and I start from there, it makes it a lot easier to find the best deals!
Be Smart.
Lots of these sales try to trick us into thinking we're getting an amazing bargain but sometimes the discount can only be 10%! Make sure the things you're buying are things you wanted before they went on sale as it's very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the sales and buy things we don't actually want or need.
Buy In Pounds.
When shopping the sales online, if possible, buy in pounds. You can usually save an extra €10 this way, especially on ASOS!
Now, it's onto the most important part, the shopping! I've had a look at most of the main shops that have their sales online and picked out some of the best bargains I could find, so you can just click the links below and shop until your hearts content, happy shopping!
River Island
I hope some of these tips help you grab all the best bargains, thanks so much for reading!