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The Autumn Slump


Have you ever felt like you were in a slump? Well, that's exactly how I've been feeling for the last few weeks and today I want to talk about it.

It happens to everyone, sometimes you just have an off day, or week, or even two weeks! You feel completely unmotivated and though it's quite an odd word, 'slump' is perfectly accurate in describing that feeling. No matter what you do, you feel stuck in this negative mindset. For the past week or two, I've really battled with myself, constantly second-guessing myself on just about everything, even this blog itself. 

I briefly touched on how I've been feeling on Snapchat the other day and got a message from someone thanking me for being honest and not pretending everything is 'perfect' like a lot of bloggers try to do, which is why I suppose I'm also writing this post. Online, people will always try to highlight the best parts of their lives, and maybe ignore the 'not-so-good' parts, which is totally okay, but it is also okay to talk about the 'not-so-good' parts too.

I think that around this time every year, it's very common for people to feel unmotivated, with the days getting shorter and the weather slowly deteriorating. Usually I pride myself on being as positive as possible, and also very head strong, so feeling like this is a bit new to me. I've been doing a few things to try and shake off the negative feeling and I thought I'd share them, just in case any of you feel stuck in a rut too!

To-Do Lists
These are one of my favourite ways to re-motivate myself. I absolutely love making lists and when I write down all the things I need to do, it helps me focus on them and feel more inclined to get them done. Also, check things off a list is so satisfying!

I've been going to a brilliant pilates class every Tuesday since I started my internship back in July and I absolutely love it. After every class I feel like I have so much more headspace. I also will sometimes do yoga by watching some of Yoga With Adrienne's videos, if you haven't checked her out before, you definitely should!

Take a Few Minutes
When you're stuck in a rut, it can be very easy to get frustrated at yourself for not getting things done, at least that's how I feel anyway. It's important to remember that sometimes taking a few minutes to breathe might actually help in the long run.

Do you have any tips for when you're in a slump? Let me know in the comments! I hope you enjoyed this post.


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