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My Favourite Moisturising Products


Hello! It's coming to that time of year where we have to accept that summer is almost over and winter is coming (I'm sorry, I just had to)! With the colder months comes drier skin, so today I wanted to talk about my favourite products for battling flaky dehydrated skin.

First up is the night cream from La Roche-Posay that I've been using every night for the past month. I mentioned it in my 'New In: Beauty #2' post a few weeks ago and I'm still raving about it. This moisturiser is designed to repair the skin as well as moisturise it so if you have sensitive but dry skin, this is a god send. 

For someone who used to think oil was just something you used for cooking, having two body oils in one favourites post is a big deal! The first oil I swear by is Tomitago's. If you're looking for a thick, rich oil that smells gorgeous and leaves your skin super hydrated, then look no further. 

The second oil I've been using religiously over the past few weeks is Tan Organic's dry oil. This oil isn't as 'heavy' as Tomitago's so I find I can actually use this in the morning and get dressed a few minutes later without feeling sticky. 

This is one of the priciest products in my skincare routine but it's worth every penny. I first talked about it back in my 'Currently Loving: Beauty' post. While I have quite oily skin, I'm still prone to dry patches and dehydrated skin. I apply this serum every morning before I moisturise and I can always see a difference in my skin if I haven't used it for a few days. It also helps with applying my make-up because it gets rid of the dry patches that foundation loves to cling to.

I received this body soufflĂ© in a goody bag from an event I attended recently and before then I'd never heard of Human + Kind's products. This is a really light body cream that smells absolutely gorgeous and really adds a lot of moisture back into the skin. Every time I shower I apply this all over my body and I just love it!

What are your favourite products for keeping your skin moisturised? Let me know in the comments!


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