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Staying Productive & Organised


Hello! I often get asked on Facebook and Snapchat how I stay organised and productive, so I thought today I'd share some tips that I find really helpful. I'll also be discussing my number one essential item that keeps me as organised as possible!

Between college, a part-time job and this blog, life can be very busy and sometimes pretty stressful, so using my time to it's maximum potential is very important for me.

My Top Three Tips For Productivity:
  1. Make a list and tick off tasks as you complete them. This may sound like a pretty basic tip, but trust me, it works. 
  2. Get your least favourite task on your to-do list done first. I've done this for years with homework in school, assignments in college etc. Once the thing you're least interested is done, the rest seem easy!
  3. Complete your work in stages. For me, I sometimes find it easier to write blog posts in parts, especially if it's a more serious post, I'll let it sit for a while and come back to it. 

Now we've covered productivity, let's talk about staying organised. I'm the type of person who will forget something straight away unless I write it down, so having a calendar and an agenda/planner is essential. On my calendar I'll write down major events, like gigs, people's birthday's, interviews etc and in my agenda I'll write the smaller things like upcoming blog posts, or assignment due dates.

The calendar featured in this post is from kikki.K, a super cute stationary brand that I discovered this year. I love this calendar as it not only helps to keep me organised, but the motivational quotes on each month are brilliant inspiration.

The very gorgeous Kate Spade agenda* from My Shining Armour, pictured above is the latest addition to my organisational kit and I'm head over heels in love with it! It's the perfect size for having with me everyday in my handbag and the ring bound feature means I can lie it flat on my desk (very handy as I am a leftie)! My Shining Armour, a company founded by the lovely (and admirably passionate) Nicki, have a whole host of gorgeous agendas which you can shop here if you'd like to stay super organised too!

What are your top tips for organisation and productivity? Let me know in the comments below!
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.


* All opinions and thoughts expressed in this post are my own. Although the Kate Spade agenda was kindly sent to me, this is not a sponsored post.
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