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DPD's Parcel Wizard - Online Shopping's New Best Friend *


Hello! Online shopping is one of the best (and also worst) things to happen to my shopping addiction. I'm sure a lot of you will agree with me when I say that online shopping is one of our favourite pass times, I mean who doesn't love being able to look at (and most likely buy) pretty things from the comfort of their own bed?!  My love for online shopping meant I was very excited when I heard about DPD's newest service, Parcel Wizard.

There's been many a time where I've added twenty things to my online basket and I've been so excited to place my order only to find that either the online store doesn't ship to Ireland or that shipping would cost almost as much as one of the dresses in my basket! With Parcel Wizard, you have a 'UK Virtual Address' that you can get your order shipped to and then DPD will deliver it right to your door!

When signing up for Parcel Wizard, DPD give you the option to zoom right in on your house which is really handy if you're like me and live in the middle of nowhere. That's probably my favourite thing about this service, the fact that your order is delivered to your door and you don't have to go to pick it up like you do with Parcel Motel. 

Once you've placed an order and used your 'UK Virtual Address' and DPD have received it, they will email or text you (whichever option you've chosen) with an approximate date and time that your parcel will be delivered. You then have the option to reschedule the delivery, or change the delivery address which I love as sometimes I'm not home due to college or work.

I've used the Parcel Wizard service four times within the last month and I'm really impressed with the speed and efficiency that my orders are delivered to me and each 'trip' costs only €3.85. The only downside I've found with Parcel Wizard is that it makes online shopping so much easier and my bank account definitely isn't happy!

If you'd like to try out Parcel Wizard, simply click here and follow the easy steps to set up your account!


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* This post was paid for by DPD to promote their new service but all opinions expressed about Parcel Wizard are honest and my own.

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