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PS Make-Up Fixing Spray Review


Hello, I hope you've all had a lovely weekend! This is a post that I promised a few weeks ago over on the Penneys To Prada Snapchat (penneystoprada). I wanted to make sure that I used this make-up fixing spray for long enough so that I would have a good idea if I liked it or not. I hope you enjoy this post!

When I saw this spray in Penneys for just €2.50, I knew I couldn't leave it there, even if I tried it out and ended up hating it. I don't use a make-up setting/fixing spray as part of my everyday make-up routine, as I usually don't wear foundation every day. 

My favourite fixing spray has been the NYX Matte Finish Setting Spray (€11), it does an amazing job at keeping my make-up in place and making sure it all stays matte. For the past two weeks or so I've switched out my beloved NYX Setting Spray for the PS Make-Up Fixing Spray and although they are quite different, I find they both do just as good of a job.

Something I dislike about the NYX spray is that it leaves my face quite damp after spraying it on, and there's some hand flapping to try and dry it. With the PS spray, as it's in an aerosol can, it's more of a fine mist than a spray, so it doesn't leave my face as damp. The Penneys spray has quite a strong chemical smell but personally, I can look past that, as the PS Make-Up Fixing Spray does an amazing job of keeping my make-up in place all day. 

So if you're in the market for a new make-up setting spray, I'd definitely recommend the PS Make-Up Fixing Spray! Have you tried it out yet? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!

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