The Imitation Game depicts Alan Turing's life, how he came to work for the English government, flashbacks to his life at boarding school and his life after the word.
As a student of computing, as soon as I heard a film about Alan Turing's life, 'the father of computer sciene', I was very excited. Then when I found out that Benedict Cumberbatch, one of my favourite British actors, would be portraying him, I knew I would love this film.
I loved that the film wasn't solely focused on the computing side. There's a very sweet emotion throughout the film which gives Alan Turing a more human side for the audience. Cummberbatch's performance was outstanding, while watching this film I was completely captivated, thinking that I was actually witnessing history being made first hand.
Kiera Knightly also stars in this film, playing Turing's 'love' interest Joan Clarke and as always, her performance was outstanding. Cummberbatch and Knightly were a fantastic pick for this film, and they depicted the beautiful friendship the two shared remarkably.
Before watching this film I knew Turing's story and The Imitation Game was a perfect way to honour not only a war hero but an intelligent sometimes misunderstood man who was very much so a genius. I highly recommend this film to everyone, it will make you laugh and maybe even cry. And I can promise you that you'll be amazed at what this brilliant man did for the world!