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What I Do On Days Off


Most weekdays I have to get up at half six in the morning for college and I usually don't get home until six that evening, this makes for a very tired Emer! So when I have days with nothing much to do, I use them to their full advantage. Today was one of those days and so I thought I'd share with you what I did.

1. Blog Pictures:
During the week I'm up before the sun and home by the time it has set, which means no daylight to take blog pictures. I don't mind using artificial light if I have to but there's just something nicer about natural light! I use the weekends and random days off to my full advantage and take pictures for a few blog posts I have in mind. Today I was getting to grips with my new camera and I'm head over heels with it, expect a blogpost about it very soon!  

2. Planning Future Posts:
I bought the peacock feather notebook in the picture above while I was in Spain and this is where I jot down ideas for blogposts and plans for them. As it's only a bit bigger than my phone it's handy to carry around with me incase an idea pops into my head while I'm out. I love making lists and writing down ideas helps me to remember them, there's nothing worse than a brilliant idea coming along and then forgetting it!

3. Laptop time:
I'm usually glued to my laptop at all hours of the day, and being a multimedia student, most of my college work is also done on my macbook. For example today I was off from college and got started on a coding project and finished up a photoshop assignment. I also use my macbook to watch tv programmes, lately I've been absolutely obsessed with How To Get Away With Murder, waiting a whole week for the next episode is painful!

4. Cleaning:
I'm one of those people with the horrible habit of using my bedroom floor as my wardrobe! So at the weekend it's time to pick up everything, do the washing and put everything back in it's proper place. Hopefully one day I'll be one of those super organised neat people!

5. Reading:
To me nothing says 'relaxation' better than reading a good book whilst curled up on the couch. I'm an avid reader and have been known to finish a book in a day. I'm currently reading 'Me Before You' by Jojo Moyes and am absolutely loving it!

What do you do on your days off? Hope you enjoyed this post, thanks for reading!

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