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The 5 Festival Survival Tips Everyone Needs


image via Pexel

Festival fashion is all well and good (and you can catch my guide to festival fashion here), but a perfect outfit won't save you from a leaky tent, or mud up to your elbows, so I'm here today with a few tips that will help you be fully prepared and survive whatever festival life may throw at you!

1. Pick the right tent

Picking the right tent is probably one of the most important festival tips. No one wants to wake up in the middle of the night at Sea Sessions (which you can find tickets for here) with rain pouring in from the roof,
or have a tent that takes 7 hours to pitch! 

There are so many different styles of tent around now that you're really spoilt for choice. Aldi recently have had a cool teepee style tent for only €70 and I'm sure a few more shops will be bringing out their own tents as festival  season continues. 

Make sure when you're picking a tent that you pick one that's going to be big enough for how many people are sleeping in it, you never want to be sleeping in a 2 person tent with 4 people, it's just not fun! A good idea when buying a tent is to split the cost between whoever is going to be using it, that way €70-100 doesn't seem like a huge amount.

2. Pack smart

This tip, like the one above is for festivals that you are camping at. Camping is a fun experience, but the tent can become awfully cramped and messy if you're not careful, so packing smart is a great way to prevent that from happening. 

Okay, so what is 'smart packing', I hear you ask? Well, it's basically when you plan your outfits before packing, and then pack your bag with your last outfit at the bottom of your bag and so on. For example, the outfit you're planning on wearing home from the festival should go at the bottom of your bag, and the outfit you'll want to wear first at the festival goes at the top. 

This tip prevents you having to tear through your entire bag to just find one top, and it'll save you a lot of time because you know exactly where each outfit is, and which pair of shorts go with your pink sequin top!

image via Ticketmaster

3. Always bring wellies

Even if you're not camping at a festival and you're just attending a day festival like Belsonic (which you can find tickets for here), bringing wellies in your backpack, or wearing shoes that will combat the inevitable muddy ground is a must. Now obviously if the weather forecast is promising sunny weather with 0% chance of rain, by all means wear your prettiest sandals, but I'd always bring a back up just incase because muddy feet are just the worst!

Lots of shops like Penneys and New Look currently have some really cute wellies in at the moment, and they also have bootie style wellies, so they don't have to be the traditional knee high wellies (even though those are my personal favourite).

image via Pexels

4. Stock up on power banks and use your phone wisely, if at all.

As a self confessed social media addict, this is definitely a tip I have to remind myself of. Obviously when you're camping at a festival you have limited access to a power socket, if at all, so making sure your phone stays charged is hard. Even at a day festival, all of the selfies and Snapchat videos can drain your battery in just a few hours 
so bringing a few power banks is a good idea.

The second part of this tip is to actually just turn off your phone and enjoy the festival. In the past year or so I've made a conscious effort to put my phone away at concerts and festivals and just enjoy the moment, instead of worrying about how many Snapchats I've uploaded.  Turning off your phone, or just putting it away will save your battery for when you get separated from your friends in the middle of the night and really need it to call them, 
and you'll also enjoy the music way more!

5. Plan ahead so you don't miss any of your favourite bands.

Whilst having the right tent and avoiding muddy feet are important, I think this is the most important festival tip of all. There's nothing worse than coming home from a festival and realising you completely missed one of your favourite bands, or being halfway through one artists set when you realise a band you love way more is playing at the same time.

Making a plan of the bands and artists you want to see is essential, even if it sounds like overkill. Sit down with your friends and make a list of all the acts you definitely want to see, and if the set times are available, then you can make a plan of what stage you want to be at throughout the day so you don't miss anyone.

Do you have any festival survival tips? I'd love to hear them so be sure to leave a comment either under this post or on Facebook/Instagram! 

To find out more about all of the festivals happening in Ireland over the summer, click here or click the image below to check out Tickmaster Ireland's festival guide!

* This post is sponsored by Ticketmaster Ireland but as always all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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