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My Hair Transformation With The Space


My hair has been dull and boring for years. It's had the same blunt, all-one-length cut with my natural colour for far too long and it was time for a change. After a few hair nightmares in the past, I've been a little terrified of getting my hair done, hence why my hair was so boring for so long.

Don't get me wrong, I've dreamed of getting my hair done for years and I've got an entire hair section on Pinterest full of gorgeous colours and cuts but I just never had the guts to go for it. Then I started following The Space on Instagram and I fell in love with the gorgeous balayage styles they create.

The Space recently just celebrated their first birthday which is incredible when you look at how well they've done and what they've achieved in such a short space of time. I started following them on Instagram just after they opened and have spent the last year obsessing over the beautiful looks they create, so a few months ago I just went for it and booked an appointment. 

The first thing I noticed when I walked into The Space was the decor. There are so many little finishing touches in the salon that make it such a gorgeous space, from the white wood effect flooring, to the huge open windows. It has a very rustic, very cool vibe and doesn't really feel like a hair salon at all.

My favourite part of the salon had to be their waiting area. The tea station is just gorgeous but they also have coffee and some snacks if you're not a tea person and if you're in the mood for it they also have prosecco! 

I completely forgot to get a quick picture of it but The Space also have a patio just off the waiting area so if the weather is behaving itself you can sit outside and enjoy some sunshine, another very cute touch that makes the salon feel even more like a home from home.

You might be thinking "Okay Emer, enough about the salon, tell us about your hair" so let's move onto my hair transformation! Obviously from looking at their Instagram, I knew I wanted to go for a balayage in my hair, something to break it up and make it more interesting and I also decided to be super brave and get some bangs too.

My nerves may sound ridiculous to some of you, I mean it's only hair right, what's there to be so scared about? I totally get it and looking back now I had nothing to be nervous of, but I'm sure if any of you have experienced some kind of hair nightmare, you can relate!

When Lisa sat me down and went through the look I was going for I really loved how she explained what we were going to do to my hair and why she was choosing that look. I showed her a few pictures of balayage on my phone and she talked me through what I liked about each picture and in the end we decided to go for a warmer balayage that was more concentrated towards the front of my hair.

As for my bangs Lisa did the exact same thing and talked me through exactly how I wanted it to look. This really helped to calm my nerves because I knew that I was in good hands and that Lisa knew exactly what I wanted. There's nothing worse than sitting in that chair and praying to God that they don't misunderstand you!

I think the before and after speak for themselves really. My hair now looks beautifully sunkissed and I think having the blonde in it actually makes it look thicker. 

When lightening dark hair, there's always the worry that bleaching it will turn it to straw, but I was in very capable hands. To make sure my hair stayed in perfect condition Lisa also used Olaplex when bleaching my hair and thanks to that extra step, my hair is still so soft.

 I couldn't be happier with how my hair turned out, I just wish it hadn't taken me a whole year to pluck up the courage to go for it, but it's safe to say all of my hairdresser fears have now been put to bed!  I'd highly recommend checking out The Space* if you're looking to transform your hair, or even if you just want a gorgeous hairstyle for a wedding or event!

Yet another thing I loved about The Space is that they use all Kevin.Murphy products. Not only do these haircare products smell like they were sent straight from heaven but they also work wonders on your hair. I swear by the Angel Rinse and Angel Wash and now that I have lovely blonde hairs I will definitely be trying out the Blonde Angel Wash to keep my colour bright!

So there we have it, my new hair in all it's glory! There are a few more pictures of it over on my Instagram so make sure you check them out and as always, thanks so much for reading! 

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* Whilst my hair transformation at The Space was complimentary, this post is not sponsored and as always all thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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