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The Death Of Fast Fashion


There's only ever been a few posts in my blogging history that I've been nervous to post, and 

this is one of them, but it's a topic that has been on my mind almost constantly for the past few months, 

so here it is! You can probably guess from the title that I'm going to discuss fast fashion, and you may 

be thinking 'but Emer, you're a blogger, you should be all about fast fashion and trends', so let me explain.

Fast fashion is a term I've only come across in the last year or so. Much like fast food, it's all about quick,
convenient fashion that is relatively cheap. After watching 'Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important
 Things' on Netflix (which is a must watch if you haven't already seen it) and hearing them talk about fast fashion
and how there used to be four seasons for fashion trends, spring, summer, autumn and winter, but now, if you
really break it down, there are 52 seasons with new trend pieces coming out every week on the high street.

I felt very conflicted after watching that documentary. I love shopping, so much so that I started this blog AND named it in part after one of my favourite shops. I'm totally guilty of indulging far too much in fast fashion, and it's just not sustainable. I've done a few much needed clear-outs of my wardrobe recently and the amount of clothes I no longer wear that I have only bought in the past few years, some that still have the tags on, actually makes me feel ashamed! As I began to think more and more about it, I realise dthat I no longer wanted to spend hundreds of euro a month on clothes I might only wear once, just becausethey are 'trendy' at the time. 

I'm going to be totally honest, that realisation worried me. Most people follow fashion bloggers to see the latest trends,and I know everyone who follows me on Facebook loves to see the newest items that have just hit Penneys. So if I no longer agreed with fast fashion, where would that leave me? It's a question I'm still asking myself, but I've decided to just go with the flow and not worry too much about it. Over the last few months, I've made a conscious effort to steer clear of trend pieces for the most part, I've learned how to properly evaluate what I'm buying based on how much wear I'll get out of it. Of course I'll make an exception if I spot something I love, and it's something I know I'll wear more than just a handful of times, but if I find myself going to buy something just because it's 'trendy', then I'll do my best to have some self-restraint and put it back.

I think that more and more people are beginning to think the same way about fast fashion too, with the rise in popularity of the 'capsule wardrobe' making it aparent that you really can have a small, high quality wardrobe whilst still being totally stylish. Lots of my own favourite bloggers like The Anna Edit have mastered this simplistic, classic style and I'm all about it. 

With that being said, I'm not totally convinced that I could rock the capsule wardrobe, which only has about 30 pieces in it. I have definitely started to add things to my wardrobe to enhance it and the outfit choices I have instead of expanding it, which is a step in the right direction!

Take this outfit for example, there are pieces from Penneys and Topshop, but they're pieces I can recycle over and over again with lots of different outfits and will definitely wear next year too. So even though I'm steering clear of fast fashion and trends that will be old news in a few weeks, I can still shop in my favourite shops which is reassuring because my college student budget definitely doesn't allow for regular, expensive wardrobe additions!

Outfit Details

Coat - Jack Wills (currently on sale)
Top, bag & shoes - Penneys
Jeans - Topshop

I hope you enjoyed this post, and would love to hear your thoughts on this topic so be sure to leave a comment below!

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