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The Quarter Life Crisis


Hello! I'm sure everyone has heard of the term 'mid life crisis' but you may be wondering what the hell a quarter life crisis is? According to wikipedia, a quarter life crisis is ' a period of life ranging from twenties to thirties, in which a person begins to feel doubtful about their own lives, brought on by the stress of becoming an adult.' Basically, it's when you realise how big and bad the world really is and worry that you won't be able to deal with it.

Today's post is not how I usually do 'outfit posts', but I want to change things up a bit and instead of writing an outfit post and only talking about the clothes I'm wearing, I want to use them to talk about things that have been on my mind. Most of my own favourite bloggers use this format and I really like it so let me know what you think of it!

 In the last year or so, since I turned 20 really, this 'quarter life crisis' feeling has been coming and going a lot. For the last six months, I was working as an intern for a software development company, and so last week was my first week back at college since last April, and it was a kind of bumpy one for me, filled with a lot of self doubt and stress which is never nice! 

I'm halfway through my third year of college, turning 22 in September, and I'd hoped that by now I'd have a fair idea of what I want to do after college. I'm the type of person who loves plans, so the fact that the future is so unclear for me is very daunting. I'm sure a lot of you reading this will probably have felt the same at some point in your life, everyone faces some uncertainty along the way, but unfortunately there is little comfort in the fact that many other people feel the same.

Outfit Details:
Biker Jacket - H&M (Similar here & here)
Bag - Penneys (Similar here)
Boots - Penneys (Similar here & here)
Jumper - Penneys (Similar here)

So how have I been handling (or trying to handle) this quarter life crisis? Well, as my boyfriend very wisely said to me last week, I need to work out what I really love doing, what I'd love to do as a job, and focus on working towards that, even if it's not entirely relevant to my college course. So that's what I've been thinking about for the last few days, what do I actually want to do, and I'm pretty sure (but don't hold me to it) that I'd like to do something in social media/digital marketing. Now some of you might think that's a very obvious path for me to take, what with my blog and all, but when I was younger, I dreamed of being a doctor, and then when I started college I always thought I'd be a web developer.

Here's where the universe/fate kicks in... Michaela from Life of a Lady Bear followed me on Instagram the other day and I instantly fell in love with her beautiful Instagram feed, which then lead me onto her blog, which ultimately lead me to her post about her career path. I'm a big believer in everything happening for a reason, and reading Michaela's post about how she got into social media, and working for Teen Vogue came at the absolute perfect time for me and I really do think it's a sign.

Now, I'm not expecting this self doubt or fear to magically disappear, but now that I think I've found something I would love to do, I can work towards that and it'll definitely help this quarter life crisis! 

Have you ever felt like this? What did you do to overcome it? Leave a comment below as I'd love to hear your thoughts and I hope you enjoyed this post!

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