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My Favourite Perfumes


Recently, on Valentines Day I received Katy Perry's Killer Queen perfume from my boyfriend. I'd been after this perfume since it was released, but never got round to buying it. It's not like the usual girly floral scents I'd go for, it's a bit more warm. I really love this for when I'm going out or getting dressed up. Even though I've only had it for about a week it's already one of my favourite perfumes and I'll definitely buy it again.

My other favourite perfume is Daisy Eau So Fresh Sunshine Edition by Marc Jacobs. I also own Oh Lola which I love as well. The reason Daisy is my favourite perfume is the fact it's so light and fresh, some perfumes can be too over powering and in your face, Daisy is not like that at all. I wear this everyday and never get tired of the girly, floral scent.

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